Saturday, December 28, 2019

Marketing Objectives - 1677 Words

Marketing plan management Submission details Candidate’s Name | | Phone No. | | Assessor’s Name | | Phone No. | | Assessment Site | RGIT Brisbane | Assessment Date/s | | Time/s | | The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor. Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details. Performance objective In this task you are required to develop a management plan for provided marketing information to monitor and review its progress after a period of time. You will also need to delegate roles to individuals within the organisation, establish and use KPIs to assess progress, and†¦show more content†¦3. Monitor progress: How could you monitor the product, distribution, pricing and marketing communication policies in relation to market changes, marketing plan objectives and organisational requirements? Monitoring progress would also involve an evaluation of statistical and data techniques to measure marketing performance (using information from the case study). 4. Distributing and pricing: Review the proposed models for distribution and pricing of product, and describe how this should be adjusted to allow for the market fluctuations (as identified in the case study). Provide a plan for how distribution and pricing can be monitored over time, in relation to market changes and adjustments in organisational requirements (as described in the case study), to create monitoring reports for your organisation. 5. KPIs: Provide a plan for how progress (using the metrics of return-of-market-investment and market share) can be measured against performance targets, to ensure that marketing requirements are being met. 6. Delegation: Develop draft staffing proposals (including any new staff you believe you may require) for the delegation of roles and responsibilities for various marketing activities and efforts within your organisation. Once you have provided the information above, you need to submit an action plan (with time frames) to the CEO (your assessor), based on the information you haveShow MoreRelatedMarketing Objectives Of A Marketing1757 Words   |  8 Pages4.Strategic Recommendations Marketing Objectives Become the leading brand at flower marketing in Bradford by 2022 Increase sales of special days by 30% by 2022 ( Valentine s day ) Make online website by 2018, and expand to other social media ( Twitter ) Increase followers at Facebook to 2500 by December 2022 Marketing Controls Collect and analyze customers feedback monthly to meet the general needs of the customer. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

What Makes A Hero - 1168 Words

Superman, Abraham Lincoln, Gandhi, what do these three have in common? They’re all heroes. But what truly is a hero? Is it one who wins independence for his country, or one that helps an old lady cross the street? And should we aspire to be like this person? Using Brecht’s Life of Galileo, Beethoven’s Heiligenstadt Testament and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, we’ll attempt to answer that question. A hero typically in today’s culture is considered as someone who is admired for his courage and other noble qualities, but is this good or bad ? Galileo per example, is admired by Andrea for his amazing inventions and brilliance. Galileo teaches Andrea about science, and Andrea adores every minute of learning. He admires Galileo’s persistence in learning, even if it’s against the government. He sees Galileo as near invincible, but when Galileo is tortured into giving up science, Andrea is devastated. Seeing his hero, someone who’ s suppose to have only noble qualities and be perfect, fall in fear of his own safety, makes Andrea realize his â€Å"invincible† hero is only a human. His idolizing of Galileo, in the long run, only hurt him. Which brings up the idea, should we aspire to be like our heroes? Or should we aspire to be ourselves? Each side has it’s pros and cons. If we aspire to be like our heroes, we will have a goal in our life, and have a strong determination to accomplish whatever life throws our way. However, our ability to see another’s point of view will be hindered dueShow MoreRelatedWhat Makes A Hero Or Hero?812 Words   |  4 Pagesthat man may be, in essence, a hero. Because of this stereotypical â€Å"hero†, we do not see the real heroes in life. What really IS a hero or heroine? A hero is what we make of them, although some are undeserving of this title. We make a hero. You, me, society; we all make heroes. We give them this title. Heroes are role models, and role models, in my eyes, should possess three very significant qualities. Courage, humbleness, and morality; these form a hero. The classic hero. Ah, he’s brave and bold. HeRead MoreWhat Makes a Hero?1209 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is a Hero? What is a hero? What makes him or her different from everyone else? In Phillip Zimbardo’s article â€Å"What Makes a Hero?† he states that heroes surround us. One in five or 20 percent of people qualify as heroes. Seventy-two percent of people report helping another person in a dangerous emergency. Sixteen percent report whistle blowing on an injustice. Six percent report sacrificing for a non-relative or stranger and fifteen percent report defying an unjust authority (1). AlthoughRead MoreWhat Makes A Hero?934 Words   |  4 Pages Most people have theories on what makes a hero a hero. Many authors over time have created books, comics and so forth on heroes and what they feel makes them the hero. There are also the ancient legends and myths from all over the world. So what is it that makes them a hero? Well Joseph Campbell has a pretty good outline of what he thinks should define a hero. A hero is a person who in some way breaks the molds of a normal human being. Their wisdom, courage, and durability ect. exceedsRead MoreWhat Makes a Hero1664 Words   |  7 Pages2011 What Makes A Hero What makes a hero? Saving a puppy from a burning building? Or what about being a single mother raising three kids and working two jobs? Both of these could be good candidates for heroes since they both possess the characteristic of strength—not just physical strength, but mental strength. This is one of the most important traits of a hero but it is not the only one. Courage, intelligence, and morality are also necessary in order to really get penciled in to the â€Å"hero† categoryRead MoreWhat Makes A Hero? Essay902 Words   |  4 PagesA true hero is oneself who is compassionate and able to lift the pain of the world without suffering. Some hero’s are not real people while some are fantasy creatures. The word hero is known as someone who is strong, brave and has courage. Heroes can be defined as people who take up challenges in situations for the sake of their fellow being. Heroism is no matter the obstacle that come your way, the needs of you or someone else has to be fulfilled. Heros endure hardship and they learn about valuableRead MoreWhat Makes A Hero?1541 Words   |  7 Pages What is a hero? Is it superman? Is it your mom or dad? Is it your teacher? There are many people that are considered heroes. Some are just every day people, and some are super-human. Characteristics of heroes vary from era to era. Now people who are just simply a good person are considered a hero. But, back in ancient times to become a hero took much more. It took honesty, wisdom, and in some cases, wealth and superhuman abilities. With time new stories and beliefs are uncovered. In ancientRead MoreWhat Makes A Hero?1722 Words   |  7 PagesBatman.† That is a typical response from a preschooler if they are asked what they want to be when they grow up. However, heroes are not always wearing capes. They can simply be an Indian man that changed his mindset into something more inspirational. There is one thing that Superman and a policeman have in common. They are both heroes. No matter how different the fields are, they are brave, helpful, and hardworking. A hero can be someone known for courageous achievements. They are normally men,Read MoreWhat Makes A Hero?1115 Words   |  5 PagesWhat makes someone a hero? The usual response someone would give is courage, bravery, and honor. But one of the most important aspects than all of those things combined is humility. This is a characteristic of Achilles personality that has not been learned yet. Although will later on thanks to a journey that will befall him. Learning that there is more to life than pride. One of the most important things to Achilles is his pride and this is shown in the line â€Å"mother since you bore me for a shortRead MoreHero Essay : What Makes A Hero A Hero?832 Words   |  4 PagesWhat Makes a Hero a Hero? As I have recently sat down with my grandmother, Mary, I asked her questions about a hero and herself being a hero. My grandmother has such an impact on me in daily life along with being a personal hero to me. She is such an inspiration to me in so many ways that I could never think of taking for granted. I chose my grandmother as my hero because of obstacles I have faced, she was the one to show me the love and support I was in need of at the time. Mary shows theRead MoreWhat Makes A True Hero?1546 Words   |  7 Pages What inspires writers to create unique heroic figures in their fantasy stories and action movies? Is it from their own imagination or is from what they see in real life, and an addition of their own imagination? Well it is certainly what they see in real life and their imagination. However, it is reasonable to say those writers have used too much of their imagination, to communicate through a piece of writing or film, of who a true hero is and what a true hero does. The excessive usage of imagination

Thursday, December 12, 2019

My Dream Career free essay sample

My dream career is to become a registered nurse with a master diploma of Business administration and nursing. Since my mother-in-law surgery two years ago, l have realized that nursing is the perfect profession for me because nurses are the people who never stop caring and always there to help, as shown in above diagram. I am thrilled and honored to have the opportunity to become a university of Texas Nursing graduate. By becoming a registered nurse with an MBA, l will be able to help people not only at their bedside, but l will also be able to implement changes that will ultimately revolutionize the hospital experience. To achieved this dream, l have designed a structured and unyielding plan for myself to reach this goal. The first step, which l have already started, is get my prerequisite done with good grade so that l can be accepted into the nursing program at the university of Texas at Austin. We will write a custom essay sample on My Dream Career or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The university of Texas has a highly ranked Nursing program and is unique because there is no medical school on its campus. The school offers a strict, demanding and competitive graduate programs for student to earn their registered nursing licenses. The university also offers a variety of highly competitive graduate for nursing students. In order to be accepted into the programs. I have to work hard in my prerequisites to receive the highest grades and scores. And I have to been practice multiple SAT tutoring courses, in order to make myself stand out from the other students applying. The second step to achieving my goals is getting through the upper division program with a high grade point. Once a student enters upper division, they don’t have to worry about kicking out of the program as long as they maintain a â€Å"c† average. It is important to me to make the highest grade point average possible, so my chances of being accepted into graduate school are better than others. I heard that throughout the two year upper division program, student study different aspects of nursing each semester so they can have a better idea of what specialty they prefer. One of my favorite specialty is to become pediatrician nursing because l love working with children. One child caught my attention about a year ago when he was under go serious diarrhea, and l helped and talked to his parent about the procedure. This issue made me realize that pediatrics is the the nursing specialty that l want to pursue. I would enjoy working in pediatric setting, which l am looking forward to in a particular time. According to my research, another exciting aspect of upper division nursing is that in the last semester of the curriculum every student works in a capstone preceptorship internship. Capstone is a great program for students because it allows them to work in a real hospital environment and experience what life is like as a nurse. I am looking forward to wearing the university of Texas scrubs during the upper division program because they make me feel like l am a real nurse.