Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Coffee tree genome sequenced Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Coffee tree genome sequenced - Essay Example The accessibility of the absolute chloroplast genome enables an interagency spacer that can utilize genetic engineering that will improve the crop. I think the author of the article intends to report a complete sequence of the coffee chloroplast other than documenting the technological methods using new genome sequencing. The information will also compare genomic organization in lieu with phylogentic relationships of coffee with other angiosperms This article brings into focus the issue of DNA proteins in humans and genetic engineering. This is because the topic will tackle chloroplast genetic engineering of the chloroplast genome coffee. Samson et al. (342) state that coffee is one of the crucial cash crops in the world. The world consumes nearly 3 billion cups of coffee every day. The crop is second to oil in terms of foreign exchange value in many developing countries. Coffee belongs to the Rubicae family specifically of the angiosperms. The two species of coffea include Arabica and rubica . Worldwide, people use the former due to its quality and fragrance while it remains vulnerable to pest and diseases such as nematodes, coffee berry borers, fungus among others. Researchers reckon a need to improve coffee Arabica in terms of its resistance to pests like the coffea canephora that causes plenty of damage to the tree mortality and the coffee trees. Some researchers have managed to perform successful genetic coffee engineering. Some of the genetic engineering included the simultaneous cultivation of c. Arabica protoplasts in conjunction with different genes. I think the researchers acquired somatic embryos of c. Arabica through electroporation method that enabled them to combine other genes. I find that the researchers went ahead to try out different integrations in a bid to acquire a c. Arabica resistant type. It seems the efforts were in futility until they acquired

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Give an introduction to the political system in People's Republic of Essay

Give an introduction to the political system in People's Republic of China. What is the role of Politburo Standing Committee - Essay Example China’s Political System: China is a socialist state, led by a single party rule, normally referred to as the communist party. This party is recognized by the constitution of China, and the same constitution has provisions on how this party should be led. This includes the establishment of powerful committees such as the politburo and the politburo standing committee (BBC, 4, 2013). The constitution also recognizes four vital institutions whose main roles is to help the party in the governance of the country. These institutions are, the people’s liberation army, the peoples national congress, the state council, and the political consultative conference (Lawrence and Martins, 7, 2013). These are the four pillars in which the communist party of China controls all the affairs of the Chinese. The institution of the state is responsible for implementing the various policies of the communist party. The state is therefore headed by the state council, which includes ministries and various commissions (Lawrence and Martins, 8, 2013). Under the Chinese constitution, the National People Congress (NPC) is responsible for overseeing all the affairs of the state council. The NPC is also responsible for supervising other political institutions such as the Supreme Court, the Presidency, the Prosecutors office, and the military. However, the NPC is under the communist party, and it is therefore unable to carry out its own policies (Military of China, 9, 2013). The political consultative conference on the other hand provides an avenue where the state and the party can consult on various policy issues. The military on the other hand have the responsibility of protecting the Chinese (Security Service, 11, 2013). However, critics argue that the Chinese military is only loyal to the communist party, and not the people of China. Other political institutions in China are the minor parties that were formed before the emergence of the communist party. These parties are eig ht, and they pledged their loyalty to the communist party, accepting its leadership. This allows for the description of the Chinese political system as one of political consultation, and multi-party cooperation, but under the Communist Party (Lawrence and Martin, 14, 2013). The Politburo Standing Committee: The communist party has four important organs representing its leadership. The highest decision making body is the politburo standing committee, followed by the politburo. The next in rank is the central committee, which is thereafter followed by the congress. The politburo standing committee (PSC) is responsible for the enactment and the development of policies. This organ consists of seven people, and each of them has various roles (Lunn, 13, 2013). The members of this committee are also members of the politburo, and they meet once in every week to deliberate on the policies that the government should follow. This is the institution that actually rules China, since their decisi ons is always the law. In arriving at a decision, members of the PSC try to achieve consensus, and if it fails, they take a vote. The simply majority carry’s the day (McGregor, 34, 2012). It is important to denote that the seven members of the PSC are ranked from the scale of one, to seven. Each of them has specific functions, and it can either be in security, propaganda, or foreign relations. For example, the highest ranked member of